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Saudi Arabia located on the world map
Kingdom Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia located on the world map
The given Saudi Arabia location map shows that Saudi Arabia is located in south-western Asia. Saudi Arabia map also shows that Saudi Arabia is the largest country of the Middle East. It shares its international boundaries with Yemen in the south, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates in the east, and Jordan and Iraq in the north and northeast. However, the Gulf (Persian Gulf) lies in the east and north-east, whereas Red Sea lies in the west of the country.
The capital city of Saudi Arabia is Riyadh. The government type of Saudi Arabia is Monarchy. In fact, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded by Abdul-Aziz bin Saud in the year 1932. Though the conquests which eventually led to the creation of the Kingdom was began in 1902. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia sometimes also known as "The Land of the Two Holy Mosques" because of Mecca and Medina. Thsese two places are the two holiest places in Islam. By virtue of having world�s largest oil reserve, Saudi Arabia�s economy is exclusively depends upon the export of oil. Oil exports contributes about 75 percent of country�s total revenue. Saudi Arabia has desert climate featured with remarkable temperature differnce between day and night.
Saudi Arabia located on the world map
The capital city of Saudi Arabia is Riyadh. The government type of Saudi Arabia is Monarchy. In fact, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded by Abdul-Aziz bin Saud in the year 1932. Though the conquests which eventually led to the creation of the Kingdom was began in 1902. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia sometimes also known as "The Land of the Two Holy Mosques" because of Mecca and Medina. Thsese two places are the two holiest places in Islam. By virtue of having world�s largest oil reserve, Saudi Arabia�s economy is exclusively depends upon the export of oil. Oil exports contributes about 75 percent of country�s total revenue. Saudi Arabia has desert climate featured with remarkable temperature differnce between day and night.
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